August is Black Fitness Month

August 2023 is Black Fitness Month! We will be sharing tips to improve your health.

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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Off Topic: Visiting King Spa Chicago

There's a cool spot in the Chicago suburb of Niles, IL. 

It's called King Spa & Sauna. King Spa & Sauna is a Korean spa that's 25 minutes north of downtown Chicago (in good traffic.) 

Most people are turned off my the mandatory nudity in the wet spa area (but there is so much more to the place than that.) Besides, a majority of the visitors are mature enough to not care what you look like in your birthday suit. Just go and be prepared for a new way of life. 

First, you will check in at the front desk. You can redeem a 35 dollar Groupon or pay the full 50 dollar fee. You will receive a key attached to a waterproof wristband with your locker number. 

Before you enter the locker room area, you must put your shoes in a shoe locker. (This is done for sanitary purposes.) Then, you will grab a uniform from the shelf next to the shoe lockers. After that, you may proceed to your locker to change into your uniform. (Some people prefer to head into the bathroom for more privacy. It's up to you.) 

The wet spas and locker rooms are gender-segregated. So, you'll have to leave your spouse or family members of a different gender behind until you come to the Common Area. 

If you want to visit the Wet Spa, you will have to be nude. One thing you can do is grab a towel so you can cover yourself before heading to the shower area. Some guys prefer to cover themselves with their hands due to being self-conscious. They shouldn't care. While there are a few rude guys in every mix, most of the guys aren't looking and really aren't up to small talk. They are there to relax.

If you want to skip the Wet Spa, wear your uniform out to the common area behind the locker room. The signs will show you where to go. In the common area, you will find dry saunas. (The hot sauna is back in the wet spa.) 

Food prices are very high. When you order food, you will scan your wristband key to have the charges added to your bill before you check out. 

There is also a TV room upstairs. 

Most reviews online complain about the staff. I think they're okay. They're just rude the first time you come. When they start recognizing you, they become pretty nice. Don't get emotional if they fuss or scold you about the rules. Just learn them and you'll be fine. 

Saturday, July 22, 2023

How Basketball Players Maintain Physiques

It's rare to see a chubby, out of shape hooper. Most basketball players have impressive physiques due to the fitness training and dieting involved. If you are trying to maintain a similar appearance, you need to make the right lifestyle changes.  

Lifestyle Change 1: More Stretching

There are benefits to proper stretching. Many basketball players experience growth spurts from stretching a lot during puberty. While their legs are growing, the stretches help stimulate the growth. 

If you are an adult, stretching won't make you taller; it will just make you more limber. Limber athletes have a lower risk of injury and can have more playing time on the court. 

Lifestyle Change 2: Better Eating

You have to eat clean. You can't have hamburgers, fries, shakes, and cookies if you want a lean physique. It's okay to have a cheat meal here and there, but you need to stay consistent with clean eating. Athletes who eat lots of fruits, veggies, and lean meat are the ones with ripped physiques. 

Lifestyle Change 3: More Rest Days

You have to give muscles the chance to recover. You can't train 6 days a week and expect to see results. In fact, overtraining with too much cardio can cause muscle loss. 

Thursday, July 6, 2023

There's Hope for Hard-Gainers

It's not easy being an ectomorph.

Ectomorphs are people with body types that are naturally skinny. It is hard for them to build muscle. For one reason, they struggle with absorbing nutrients needed for muscle growth. Another problem is that they have genetics which affect their muscle proportions. Still, they can improve their bodies with the right fitness and nutrition plan. 

If you are just starting as a hard-gainer (ectomorph), here are some tips to help you be successful:

1. Start Small and Set A Schedule

Start with at least two days a week that you commit to working out. 

You can start with doing 50 jumping jacks, 25 pushups, 25 sit ups and doing 3 sets of 10 reps with 15 lb dumbbells until you are ready for more of a challenge.

2. Start Eating More

Some hard-gainers struggle with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and might get sick from eating more food than usual. The key is to drink water with each meal and choose foods that are gut-healthy.  It's also important use food to fuel your workouts and recover from them. Make sure you have a pre-workout meal and a post-workout meal. You can eat a small sandwich wrap or a cup of fruit to get your nutrients in.

3. Find Inspiration Online

Below there is a story of a man who inspires many: 

Inspirational Story: Luther Versulien

Luther Versulien is a nurse in West Palm Beach, Florida, with quite a social media following. He started in fitness a decade ago as a hard-gaining, ectomorph with a skinny body type. He overcame the obstacles by eating more, working out with more intensity and getting a body that helps him lift his patients and have more energy during his shifts. 

Luther is an inspiration to men and women who have struggled to reach their fitness goals. Time will tell where Luther goes with his fitness journey. He is definitely someone in the fitness world that you should know. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Why Black Women Need Fitness

No disrespect to Lizzo, but black women need fitness. Heart disease is a major killer of black women, so healthy eating and living habits are crucial. Unfortunately, we live in an era where no one wants to change their lifestyles. People have become comfortable following sedentary lifestyles. As a result, we are seeing more women at the buffet and less women at the gym. 

Here are some ways that fitness can improve black women's lives:

1. Regular Exercise Keeps The Heart Healthy

Cardiovascular exercise is known to reduce the risk of heart attacks, stroke, and other respiratory issues.

2. Fitness Improves Appearance

Fit women are likely to attract fit men. 

3. Fitness Can Improve Brain Mood

Women who are fit tend to be in better moods. 

Stop waiting! Get in the gym! 

Welcome to Black Fitness Fans (BFFs)

We want to make fitness and nutrition cool for the black community.

Welcome to Black Fitness Fans (BFFs), a blog with the latest developments on the top black personal trainers, fitness models, and nutrition plans.

Don't just work out for a summer body; try to incorporate fitness into your daily plans. If you're in a relationship, make fitness a group activity. Couples who flex together have better sex together. 

Fellas: Ladies like men with nice physiques. Trade in the dad bods and "father figures" for real #bodygoals .